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  • 214289 overlord

    @Neutrinobeam So how can I remove the default clothing when I change models? For example, using certain tops makes some parts of my model transparent/invisible.

    9. August 2015
  • 214289 overlord

    Also, it would be nice if the default skin clothes/accessories didn't override some of the other clothes/accessories. Thanks

    8. August 2015
  • 214289 overlord

    @Neutrinobeam Hi, the mod is one of the best and most fun, I have come across. One of the features I enjoyed was to be able to customize my own free mode character, since playing online and increasing rep to unlock items is too much work, so thanks :) By the way, is it possible to include more items for free roam skins, since you can't enter the shops if you are in the free roam characters. Thanks! :D

    8. August 2015
  • 214289 overlord

    @BOMBDABASE The "Scripts" folder actually isn't original GTA 5 folder, so you have to create it. The Scripts folder that come with the mod download is listed as "scripts", sometimes the mod doesn't work if you don't change "scripts" to "Scripts".

    2. Juli 2015
  • 214289 overlord

    @mIgthatsme, which is the log file? I tried to search the directory but I couldn't figure out which would be relevant.

    2. Juli 2015
  • 214289 overlord

    Hi @mIgthatsme. When I tried to store a vehicle on Eclipse Towers, I couldn't. Instead I got a message saying contact you. This happened when I tried to store more than 3 vehicles (i.e. I had 3 vehicles stored in a floor, when I tried to add one more vehicle, I just couldn't as nothing happened). Thanks

    2. Juli 2015