Race One 1.2
Hi, dies ist mein erster Versuch einer Rennstrecke.Ich habe versucht so genau wie möglich zu arbeiten.
Bin neu hier und habe mich gerade erst angemeldet. Wenn ihr Fehler oder Verbesserungsvorschläge habt lasst es mich wissen.
Die Datei einfach in den Ordner menyooStuff\Spooner kopieren.
Ich will hoffen das ich alles richtig gemacht habe.
Finde das TOLL hier, GRÜSSE an alle
This race track is a joint project. My son 16 Years has built the track.
The photos and the registration etc. are from me. We work together on it.
I am 57 years old. This is only for the info. We have a lot of ideas, surprise you.
Sorry Google Translator
Update 1.1
Hey, in our latest update we added some things.
-Racetrack change
-Decoration (more liveliness)
-More people (with movement and speaking)
-Both versions uploaded V1.0 and V1.1
Have fun. We hope you enjoy it.
More in the next update. ( sorry Google Tranlator )
Update 1.2
-New Racetrack
-some Decorations
-all Versions in the Archive
-You have the choice of race or fun.
Have fun. We hope you enjoy it.
Bin neu hier und habe mich gerade erst angemeldet. Wenn ihr Fehler oder Verbesserungsvorschläge habt lasst es mich wissen.
Die Datei einfach in den Ordner menyooStuff\Spooner kopieren.
Ich will hoffen das ich alles richtig gemacht habe.
Finde das TOLL hier, GRÜSSE an alle
This race track is a joint project. My son 16 Years has built the track.
The photos and the registration etc. are from me. We work together on it.
I am 57 years old. This is only for the info. We have a lot of ideas, surprise you.
Sorry Google Translator
Update 1.1
Hey, in our latest update we added some things.
-Racetrack change
-Decoration (more liveliness)
-More people (with movement and speaking)
-Both versions uploaded V1.0 and V1.1
Have fun. We hope you enjoy it.
More in the next update. ( sorry Google Tranlator )
Update 1.2
-New Racetrack
-some Decorations
-all Versions in the Archive
-You have the choice of race or fun.
Have fun. We hope you enjoy it.
Zuerst hochgeladen: 1. Januar 2017
Letztes Update: 11. Januar 2017
Last Downloaded: vor 8 Tagen
19 Kommentare
Hi, dies ist mein erster Versuch einer Rennstrecke.Ich habe versucht so genau wie möglich zu arbeiten.
Bin neu hier und habe mich gerade erst angemeldet. Wenn ihr Fehler oder Verbesserungsvorschläge habt lasst es mich wissen.
Die Datei einfach in den Ordner menyooStuff\Spooner kopieren.
Ich will hoffen das ich alles richtig gemacht habe.
Finde das TOLL hier, GRÜSSE an alle
This race track is a joint project. My son 16 Years has built the track.
The photos and the registration etc. are from me. We work together on it.
I am 57 years old. This is only for the info. We have a lot of ideas, surprise you.
Sorry Google Translator
Update 1.1
Hey, in our latest update we added some things.
-Racetrack change
-Decoration (more liveliness)
-More people (with movement and speaking)
-Both versions uploaded V1.0 and V1.1
Have fun. We hope you enjoy it.
More in the next update. ( sorry Google Tranlator )
Update 1.2
-New Racetrack
-some Decorations
-all Versions in the Archive
-You have the choice of race or fun.
Have fun. We hope you enjoy it.
Bin neu hier und habe mich gerade erst angemeldet. Wenn ihr Fehler oder Verbesserungsvorschläge habt lasst es mich wissen.
Die Datei einfach in den Ordner menyooStuff\Spooner kopieren.
Ich will hoffen das ich alles richtig gemacht habe.
Finde das TOLL hier, GRÜSSE an alle
This race track is a joint project. My son 16 Years has built the track.
The photos and the registration etc. are from me. We work together on it.
I am 57 years old. This is only for the info. We have a lot of ideas, surprise you.
Sorry Google Translator
Update 1.1
Hey, in our latest update we added some things.
-Racetrack change
-Decoration (more liveliness)
-More people (with movement and speaking)
-Both versions uploaded V1.0 and V1.1
Have fun. We hope you enjoy it.
More in the next update. ( sorry Google Tranlator )
Update 1.2
-New Racetrack
-some Decorations
-all Versions in the Archive
-You have the choice of race or fun.
Have fun. We hope you enjoy it.
Zuerst hochgeladen: 1. Januar 2017
Letztes Update: 11. Januar 2017
Last Downloaded: vor 8 Tagen
Hi, this is my first attempt at a racetrack. I've tried to work as much as possible.
I am new here and have just registered. If you have any mistakes or suggestions for improvement, please let me know.
Simply copy the file to the menyooStuff \ Spooner folder.
I hope that I have done everything right.
Find the TOLL here, GREETINGS to all
Sorry, Google translator
OMG this map is awesome. I love the jumps and the scale of it. The creativity is amazing and the way this track flows is brilliant. cannot wait for your other work.
Hey, THANK YOU for the many downloads and the positive comment (gareth24111987).
I am currently developing an update, but this will take a few more days.
I give my best, and I hope many people like it. Maybe you have a few more
Suggestions for improvement. See you.
@Killerkeks23 what graphics mod are you using?
This is a mixture of many graphic mods. Since you need good hardware.
VisualV 1.0.300, LA Roads 2.0 Patch 2.7, ReShade / SweetFX, ENB v0275. I play in 2560x1440 all the switches right up to 4x MSAA. Sorry for my Englisch. ( Google Translator )
My Hardware
i7 6700K
Asus Z170 Pro Gaming
Gigabyte GTX 1070 G1 Gaming
Corsair 32 GB
The only criticism to the new update is the tunnel on the track. I prefer the more open feel of the original. That being said, great update.
Sick track yo
Why ... What do you mean exactly?
@Killerkeks23 Very nice mod.
Thank you for the praise.
We are working on the update. Already driven at night. That's fun
damn this shit intense
The update 1.2 comes tomorrow.
We hope you like it.
Awesome! Can ai race on the track?
ai ??? Sorry Google Translator
I am 57 years old. Sorry my English is not good. i had not long English. Was a long time ago.
Thank you for the praise.
@Killerkeks23 I mean NPCs. Computer controlled players. Will they race against with you?
We still have no solution for this.
Next update ???
amazing racing track
I like it, but in some points it have some issue with the game map..expecially under the bridge where there is the Maryweather Boat..I do the missions, and now there is the boat in the middle of the road before the jump, and with it I cannot continue the track :( in some next update why don't you place the map in the sky where there is not interference with the original game world? :)