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160 Downloads , 1,28 MB 27. Juni 2016
@tiagorocks plot twist, you're brazilian (no offense)
@KoopaCR It is not an offense, just a joke. the Brazil is going through a bad time in football, but I take it with good humor.
@KoopaCR in any case good mod.
@tiagorocks of course we need to take this always with humor
Final verson visit qwertymods
@tiagorocks check my new mods
@tiagorocks plot twist, you're brazilian (no offense)
@KoopaCR It is not an offense, just a joke. the Brazil is going through a bad time in football, but I take it with good humor.
@KoopaCR in any case good mod.
@tiagorocks of course we need to take this always with humor
Final verson visit qwertymods
@tiagorocks check my new mods