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775 Downloads , 126 KB 24. September 2017
? @DiWayt
@Lacr1m very bad
Why? Because it isnt one of the gay looking longshirts? @DiWayt
@Lacr1m big Gucci sign
Its may Bigger but I think the Original is also very big. http://www.neimanmarcus.com/product_assets/K/0/P/E/3/NMK0PE3_mk.jpg @DiWayt
? @DiWayt
@Lacr1m very bad
Why? Because it isnt one of the gay looking longshirts? @DiWayt
@Lacr1m big Gucci sign
Its may Bigger but I think the Original is also very big. http://www.neimanmarcus.com/product_assets/K/0/P/E/3/NMK0PE3_mk.jpg @DiWayt