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Beautiful job!
Hi! Awesome job! I'm doin a similiar mod, but I'd need to ask you, how you can edit the yft and ydr files? :\ I can export textures in dds, i can modify em on Photoshop, but then i don't know how to export well the files and how to import working files on OpenIV. Could you help me out please? :)
Nice job!
@trooperMNG No mi dispiace
@NikoTheBellick L'avevo già adocchiata ;)
@LOLBISCUITS Thanks! :) :) :)
@LOLBISCUITS Updated! :)
@NikoTheBellick Aggiornato! :)
@NikoTheBellick Prossimamente verranno corrette le scritte e verrà implementata la targa della forestale ;)
@LOLBISCUITS Yes i know i will update the mod soon! ;)