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  • E68bdf images

    Awesome mod! Keep on updating, also i can't wait for pokemon go mod updates ;) !! U make awesome mods ! <3

    9. September 2016
  • E68bdf images

    http://imgur.com/K1KkhQi here's picture of for example Matthew for me... i just can't see him. and also, when i configure the windows with the map.. it just goes back to its default position when i load the game again... please fix it, i love this mod sooo much, can't wait till i can play it normaly :3

    3. August 2015
  • E68bdf images

    I cant see quest people when i drive to the star or other places. Help please. just there's nothing.. and when i choose random quest option, then it says, kill boars for example.. i drive there.. but i dont see any boars... help me please :(

    2. August 2015