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By Insomniac_Tv
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By Insomniac_Tv

By Insomniac_Tv
@noisiak So i got to manually sift through mutable meta files/replace them just to get this mod to work without breaking other mods? Vx5 Voltage https://www.gta5-mods.com/vehicles/2012-vapid-scout-police-utility-add-on-mapped did a better job at this model, so thanks for making download his instead waste more time with yours and all honestly if anyone else wants a functional Scout police car go check out Vx5 Voltage's version or check out the LSPD pack by 11john11 that has it too
@WeebGirlsrCringe Don't bother the mod maker is a dick and makes his mods overly complicated to install
Also use this gameconfig https://github.com/pnwparksfan/gameconfig/releases if crashing
Just spawns in black with no decals when used in the dispatch
Hey could you make a Liberty preservation compatibility version would love to have this work with LCPD and be able to config them as well
@Daddynnoob Wait for the CRT 8-bit edition coming soon
@neogeo39 Ah, the classic "blame the user" strategy! Maybe your mod just needs a hug or a better readme? If you spent half as much time improving your mod as you do blaming others, maybe we wouldn't be here. Your getting upset over a basic suggestion we'll I'm over here improving your mod to make it more suitable for others. But hey, if you're allergic to constructive criticism, I'll just grab some popcorn and watch the drama unfold.
despite the gameconfig issue this is such a fun mod i would love to see a update to config the lower levels also i suggest add military blockades using the Barracks similar to army at 5 mod
@seasoned_shrimp @Merc101 i read the description and i'm aware it's a addon but i don't need 11 taxis tanking my game let alone use a outdated mod to make them work i just needed one and so i extracted the files i needed i don't see why that's a issue seeing people have been doing that for years on other mods also gang up within a few hours just tells me shit i already know is kinda sad and a waste of your time i'm just letting people know they can use the mod as a replacement if they wanted to and that it would be nice to have replacement for those who don't understand how edit and or new to modding
@SlayerMan72 Who knows either way this mod a 4/5 but i'm giving 0.5/5 for the modders shitty attitude