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  • 921b06 render wallpaper

    @bluethnder215 The MTL Trucks work perfectly, but there is an Add-On truck which is a Towtruck with the Packer/Pounder design. The problem is that as it is called towtruck3 then there is a conflict with the one that was recently added in the Chop Shop DLC. However, I corrected the problem by changing the name from towtruck3 to towtruckm:

    18. März 2024
  • 921b06 render wallpaper

    @Kennyworth Exactly, that's what I meant. I just tested it and it was excellent. Thank you very much for the correction, now it is as it should be.

    25. Februar 2024
  • 921b06 render wallpaper

    @Kennyworth I understand the decision and that is something that is really appreciated, what seems strange to me is that the digital speedometer of these models appears (or well it appears to me) above the classic speedometer and not the analog needles that should be there.

    22. Februar 2024
  • 921b06 render wallpaper

    I like this model and more to the model you have based (Ford Aeromax), I only have one small thing that made me weird and that was the speedometer inside, the texture is from the speedometer of some trucks like the Packer or the Phantom, but models like the Guardian, Barracks or the Biff use a digital speedometer and this model in theory has that digital speedometer, however, it is on top of the texture of the classic speedometer. It reminded me of the Brickades pack on the site and one of those models (Brickade Tipper) has the same problem.
    No offence or anything, it just looks strange that element. The design of the truck is really cool.

    22. Februar 2024
  • 921b06 render wallpaper

    @w.. Agreed, I like this mod a lot because the improvements it makes to those trucks is impressive (Mostly the new interior).
    Unfortunately Rockstar decided to release two "new" models of Towtruck, although more than new, one is a clone of the original (the rusty one) and the other one is rust-free.

    19. Februar 2024
  • 921b06 render wallpaper

    It's a great mod, I always install it to replace the packer, pounder and flatbed.
    However, as a recommendation, in the latest DLC Chop & Shop, Rockstar added a "new towtruck", and called it as towtruck3, being in conflict with the MTL Towtruck of this mod.

    7. Februar 2024
  • 921b06 render wallpaper

    @MerasmooseDW The problem is that the vigero3 (As this Vigero Rumbler is named), is now the Vigero ZX Convertible added in the last DLC, that's why there are conflicts, the only way to fix that problem is to change the name of the vigero3 model to a different one (If Rockstar comes out another variant of the Vigero, they will call it vigero4 and there will be another conflict with the Vigero Rumbler Street Rod of this mod).

    7. Februar 2024
  • 921b06 render wallpaper

    @Stuntmanorigins He seguido tus videos y es una sorpresa que hayas porteado el modelo de Jacob de GT A IV a GTA V, me quedé con ganas de Duro de Joder con GTA V (Ese último capítulo fue 10/10) y esperaba un posible Me Llamo Jacob en Los Santos. Eres un grande Stunt, espero vuelvas a hacer esos grandiosos videos.

    30. Oktober 2023
  • 921b06 render wallpaper

    Greetings @RealZolika1351, I have previously tried your mods and they have been wonderful, so I leave my 5 stars. Unfortunately, now this trainer which is my favorite mod no longer works, every time it finishes loading, the game closes and it’s a shame, I really liked the function of having the GTA 4 handling and the vehicle camera in the style of GTA 4, it’s sad that there are people who have harassed, doxxed and insulted you, tarnishing your image (Maybe out of envy?). This is something very sad for the GTA community and as GTA V keeps updating constantly by Rockstar Games, that’s why it continues with these failures…
    Thank you very much for the contribution you have made in GTA IV and GTA V, I hope that someday you can return to GTA modding (Although with what happened to you, I doubt it very much), I wish you many successes.

    30. Oktober 2023
  • 921b06 render wallpaper

    This Comet is a sight to behold, a beauty in every sense.
    PS: That Coquette (C4) looks gorgeous, with that only the C6 would be missing (I don’t know if the Coquette Thunderstruck can be classified as C6):
    C1: Blackfin
    C2: Classic
    C3: Phobos
    C5: 1st Coquette (GTA IV)
    C7: 2nd Coquette (GTA V)
    C8: D10

    12. Oktober 2023