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@FoxtrotDelta Maybe I was missing some DLC, because mine is permanently working front and rear wheels. But I am getting the hang of it so I don't think of changing it anymore. Another question if I may, how would I make a car 4x4 by editing its handling.meta
@FoxtrotDelta My good sir, I really like your mod but is there a way to disable the steering of rear wheels?
I don't know why, this mod used to be so cool but now fist fights became boring wherein sometimes punching an NPC seems to be scripted and not under the control of euphoria, just a delayed animation of getting knocked out. Someone know how to fix this?
@gtav-ent Tnx for the mod sir, but how can i configure the hotkeys?
@Zippo Raid Thank you very much mabreda
@Zippo Raid One last question. How can I bring back the old handgun and uzi animation? What specific file should I replace?
@Zippo Raid Don't shout at me sir, I just want to ask why does when my character get out of the hospital he still got blood all over him? Is that how brutal your mod is? The hospital doesn't treat me at all!