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when i open the menu, can't select anything, why ?
Thank you verry much sir ! Looks amazing!!
No crush, everything looks great! Thanks!
awesome mod! i love it! could you also make the last generation of dacia logan 2019 ?
You really should allign the wheels on the back with the body kit, they are in interior like those in front wich they are aligned with the bodykit. Anyway looks amazing and detailed.
Epic work! Thanks for this!
Super tare! Chiar ma uitam sa vad daca exista un Caddy cu FAN Courier! Multumim frumos!
@JUVENILE Salutari, nu stiu ce sanse sunt sa primesc un raspuns dar vreau sa-ti zic ca modurile tale sunt absolut geniale si foarte bine lucrate. Crezi ca exista vreo sansa sa bucuri fanii din nou si cu Dacia Logan 2019 ? Chiar si contra unei donatii, as platii cu placere pentru un asemenea model lucrat la calitate mare. Cu respect !
@UndeadThrashGuy i hope you are not upset for asking you for some fixes :D but they will make the best Superb out there.
@UndeadThrashGuy i have to congrats you for listening your fans and i trully apreciate you and your work. This new update it's so good. Looks much better now. If you really want continue this (i really wish), i have a few last wishes to make it perfect ! So in this pic i show what can be "fixed". https://i.imgur.com/uL1tJLH.jpg
1. First pic from left, it shows a shadow or something that overpass the light of led.
2. Second pic from bottom, shows the chrome object that it's not aligned with the led form.
3. If you can add more polygons to make it aproppiate to circle round, it will be perfect.
P.S : Also if you can add some transprarency to glass in the back where is that black edge around the glass.
Best regards !