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    OK tried it again as Michael this time and it probably would work if this mod was updated to support the latest scripthook. When I press T next to the LC cable car station it crashes the game but this shows that it was at least trying to spawn the model. I'm still looking for some way to get the gondola tracks operating normally in LCPP but this could work for now.

    19 hours ago
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    It would be great if this could get the lccablecar model to spawn on the tracks in LCPP. It is possible of course to manually spawn lccablecar with a trainer.

    I already tried putting cablecar_northern.dat and cablecar_southern.dat in addonRails\freight and then changing the TrainSpawner.asi to lccablecar but not only did the model not load automatically, it doesn't load even if you press the T key next to the rail

    20 hours ago
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    @Fizz941 You can safely ignore any script deprecation errors in SHVDN. Don't downgrade your version, use the latest nightly:


    When you first installed Kitsune Trains you obviously got the kitsunetrains and kitsuneprops in your dlcpacks folder and dlclist.xml because you can see the trains. So the only other files that come with Kitsune Trains are all in your Grand Theft Auto V\scripts folder. You should have "irrKlang.NET4.dll" "NativeUI.dll" as well as a folder named "KitsuneTrains" that contains "KitsuneTrains.dll" and "MissionTrains.dll" and some other files.

    So you just need to download the most recent Kitsune update, version 7.3, and you don't need the download link for the kitsunetrains files. Just hit the main download button on this mod page for the most recent version, the file name is "169a69-KitsuneTrains7_3_Script_Patch.zip"

    The zip contains updated versions of "KitsuneTrains.dll" and "MissionTrains.dll" that you should replace the ones in Grand Theft Auto V\scripts\KitsuneTrains with

    vor einem Tag
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    @K2o0nly Thank you for the tip, I'm going to continue trying to get it working with the lccablecar model but I just found this which might be helpful in figuring out the solution


    vor einem Tag
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    Since the formatting is messed up in comments I just pasted the whole modified trains.xml here:


    If you compare it to the trains.xml that came with Kitsune Trains you'll see that all I did was copy and paste the Kitsune train groups over to metro_group. Make sure to also put trains1.dat and trains4.dat from 2 Tracks 2 Trains into your common.rpf

    (This trains.xml doesn't include the LCPP entries, I already posted that version above.)

    vor 3 Tagen
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    I am on 1.70 also and the station blips are showing up, the stations are populated with people on the benches, and I can enter the trains by pressing left as expected. Make sure you have the latest SHVDN nightly and make sure you have the two updated .dll files from Kitsune Trains 7.3 in your Grand Theft Auto V\scripts\KitsuneTrains directory. Check your ScriptHookVDotNet.log to see what the issue might be.

    If you have Kitsune Trains models installed and working, look at the trains.xml that was installed with it. At the end of the file there's a section like this:

    <train_config_group name = "metro_group">
    <train_config_ref name = "metro_config0" />

    Those are the trains that are going to travel on the track designated by trains4.dat. "2 Trains 2 Tracks" includes trains1.dat and trains4.dat, so when you add those to your mods folder in common.rpf\data\levels\gta5 you can just overwrite the trains4.dat from Kitsune Trains (Kitsune doesn't use trains1.dat) with the one from 2 Trains 2 Tracks.

    Then you can change the trains.xml metro section like this to have all of the Kitsune Trains on the LS Local train tracks:

    <train_config_group name = "metro_group">
    <train_config_ref name = "super_mix03" />
    <train_config_ref name = "shrt_interm01" />
    <train_config_ref name = "shrt_interm02" />
    <train_config_ref name = "shrt_interm03" />
    <train_config_ref name = "shrt_interm04" />
    <train_config_ref name = "med_interm01" />
    <train_config_ref name = "med_interm02" />
    <train_config_ref name = "med_interm03" />
    <train_config_ref name = "med_interm04" />
    <train_config_ref name = "long_interm01" />
    <train_config_ref name = "long_interm02" />
    <train_config_ref name = "long_interm03" />
    <train_config_ref name = "long_interm04" />
    <train_config_ref name = "shrt_box01" />
    <train_config_ref name = "shrt_box02" />
    <train_config_ref name = "shrt_box03" />
    <train_config_ref name = "med_box01" />
    <train_config_ref name = "med_box02" />
    <train_config_ref name = "shrt_raw01" />
    <train_config_ref name = "shrt_raw02" />
    <train_config_ref name = "shrt_raw04" />
    <train_config_ref name = "med_raw01" />
    <train_config_ref name = "med_raw02" />
    <train_config_ref name = "long_raw01" />
    <train_config_ref name = "long_raw02" />
    <train_config_ref name = "long_raw03" />
    <train_config_ref name = "shrt_tank02" />
    <train_config_ref name = "shrt_tank04" />
    <train_config_ref name = "med_tank01" />
    <train_config_ref name = "med_tank02" />
    <train_config_ref name = "med_tank03" />
    <train_config_ref name = "long_tank01" />
    <train_config_ref name = "long_tank02" />
    <train_config_ref name = "long_tank03" />
    <train_config_ref name = "shrt_streak05" />
    <train_config_ref name = "shrt_streak06" />
    <train_config_ref name = "shrt_streak08" />
    <train_config_ref name = "shrt_streak11" />
    <train_config_ref name = "med_streak03" />
    <train_config_ref name = "med_streak06" />
    <train_config_ref name = "med_streak08" />
    <train_config_ref name = "med_streak12" />
    <train_config_ref name = "med_streak14" />
    <train_config_ref name = "med_streak15" />
    <train_config_ref name = "long_streak03" />
    <train_config_ref name = "long_streak09" />
    <train_config_ref name = "long_streak10" />
    <train_config_ref name = "long_streak12" />
    <train_config_ref name = "long_streak14" />
    <train_config_ref name = "long_streak16" />
    <train_config_ref name = "foxy_mix02" />
    <train_config_ref name = "foxy_mix03" />
    <train_config_ref name = "foxy_mix04" />
    <train_config_ref name = "foxy_mix05" />
    <train_config_ref name = "foxy_mix06" />
    <train_config_ref name = "foxy_mix07" />
    <train_config_ref name = "foxy_mix08" />
    <train_config_ref name = "foxy_mix09" />
    <train_config_ref name = "foxy_mix01" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix04" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix05" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix06" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix07" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix08" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix09" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix10" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix11" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix12" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix13" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix15" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix17" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix18" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix19" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix20" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix21" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix23" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix24" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix25" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix26" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix27" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix29" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix30" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix31" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix32" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix33" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix34" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix35" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix36" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix37" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix38" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix39" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix40" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix42" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix43" />
    <train_config_ref name = "remy_mix44" />
    <train_config_ref name = "gin_mix01" />

    You could also copy and paste the contents of just the "foxy_group" or whatever to the "metro_group" list if you want to restrict which trains come on the second track. The second track itself is a .ymap file that goes in custom_maps.rpf, and it leads to Davis Quarry.

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    vor 3 Tagen
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    @K2o0nly Yeah I just thought this was a good place to post something about the gondolas since I've been doing some looking around and modifying the train config files to try to get them working. I think the authors of the mod were purposely using an older, stable game version because the LCPP installer expects the traintracks.xml to be in update.rpf rather than common.rpf

    vor 3 Tagen
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    Still trying to figure out how to get the cable car gondolas to show up in LCPP

    vor 3 Tagen
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    @nj5050 If you already have Overhauled Trains installed but LCPP overwrote your train config files then just replace the trains.xml and traintracks.xml in update.rpf and common.rpf with the ones I posted above:



    If you just have LCPP installed then you'll need to also install Overhauled Trains and then once again use my trains.xml and traintracks.xml from above. If you look at the files you'll see they were very simple changes to make, just adding in the LCPP subway sections basically.

    I followed the same process and managed to get LCPP working alongside Kitsune Trains, with 2 Trains, 2 Tracks support. It's the ultimate train mod and the reason I've now given up on using just Overhauled Trains:


    vor 3 Tagen
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    My favorite explosion effects mod is the one included with NVE. The problem is that it's the only part of that bloated mess of a mod pack that is actually worthwhile. So I recently figured out how to edit the relevant files in ptfx_hi.rpf myself and to just copy the explosionfx.dat and a couple of other files from NVE. The reason I am posting this comment is because I kid you not: my explosions and fire both look amazing! The blast wave effect is a bit much sometimes but it's a lot more exciting than vanilla. Especially if you have another mod that can increase the explosion scale and intensity; it looks like a cruise missile strike when a sticky bomb goes off.

    vor 4 Tagen