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  • 28365b wtf thug sm

    Hmmm, I'm not sure what's causing your exact problem but I have had issues with certain EnhancedNativeTrainer settings turned on, specifically the Police Ignore You and Everyone Ignores You settings. Try messing around with some stuff, idk, I haven't really had time to work on this lately.

    17. September 2015
  • 28365b wtf thug sm

    Just uploaded a new version, test it out when it goes up, let me know what you think. I haven't had as much time to work on this lately but I'll try to keep working on it

    1. September 2015
  • 28365b wtf thug sm

    @F1Racer Ah yes, thanks for reminding! totally overlooked that... in the next release I will include instructions. Might be a little while before that realease though, I'm really trying to iron out the bugs this time...
    That said, Map Editor support is well on it's way, so whenever the next version is out, rest assured that making missions will be easy as fuuuuck

    28. August 2015
  • 28365b wtf thug sm

    @Nayef Mazraani
    this is not about swat at all, which is why I made this a separate release. In fact, now my mod has some features that noose doesn't have (map blips on the radar, collectible objects, health/weapon pickups, the ability to define what the player, team and enemies look like via XML). and noose has some features that I don't have either (Bomb Defusal Mode, Squad Commander menu, Helicopter And Plane entry). It sounds like you haven't tried both for yourself and noted the similarities and differences.

    27. August 2015
  • 28365b wtf thug sm

    @EnforcerZhukov Weird, It was working perfectly on my comp when I uploaded it, I'm not sure what's up with that.
    @qlacy06 the fact that it freezes when you include the src folder comes as no surprise, it wasnt designed to run from source code like some scripts. As for the bin folder, you copied the files inside it to the scripts folder, right? (not just copy the bin folder itself to the scripts folder) Also the Missions and Families folders needs to be in /scripts/

    @teil this seemed pretty stable on my computer, idk whats up. In the 0.2 release I also fixed pre-existing bugs which have been around for a while (including one bug straight from NOOSE) but wouldn't happen frequently/easily. Either way unless you provide extremely detailed and relevant information as to the bugs, or buy me computers to further test this on, or are fixing the code yourself, suggesting to get rid of the bugs is pointless because a) of course I want it to be stable and bug free but b) since you didn't really tell me anything, I don't even know what the bugs are so can't really fix them. and a c) just for good measure: if I didn't add features before fixing all the bugs and shit, this would literally just be a really shitty watered down noose mod that nobody including myself would use.

    @Everybody -- I reuploaded because it seemed to be working better for ppl; I'll leave that there till I have something working.

    27. August 2015
  • 28365b wtf thug sm

    Yo heads up to anyone making maps/missions for this:
    I wouldn't spend much time making too many right now, 0.2 is coming pretty soon and making missions will be much easier... You won't need to log coordinates and all that for most of the items, so a lot of time will be saved!
    Of course, if you still wanna make some new missions before then, they'll still work on v0.2 so go ahead

    24. August 2015
  • 28365b wtf thug sm

    @EnforcerZhukov hmm, weird, I don't see anything off in there either... Also yea, object spawning is coming in the next release, along with a tool to make map creation/editing a lot more easier.... sadly it's gonna be a little while before that, I work the next few days, so i have a lot less dev time.

    @Aaronlelit what exactly do you mean, and what fingers the f12 menu as the cause?

    24. August 2015
  • 28365b wtf thug sm

    Nice work! I tested em with my latest version and they worked well, except the team not following the player.... so I made a quick fix for that and it seems to be working better in version 0.1.95 of my mod, which should go up really soon.

    23. August 2015
  • 28365b wtf thug sm

    @EnforcerZhukov hmm, maybe turn logs on in the HEMM_config.xml file and then read HEMM_log.log (you might have a lot of reading to do, if it glitches out the log can get up to like 3-4 MB in size)

    @Jax765 I'm slowly getting there, I'd just like to get the mission script itself pretty flushed out before I write menus so I don't have to change them every time I wanna add something. Until then, modify the mission xml and reload all you SHV.net plugins with the insert key (make sure you're not in one of my mod's missions or in the selector mode when you do this)

    23. August 2015
  • 28365b wtf thug sm

    @MMK_033 I'm working on v 0.2 right now, I'm adding something similar to that... Now missions have defined objectives, like Killing all Enemies, or collecting certain items, or reaching a certain point, or any combination of those objectives... It's not linear like you have in mind but it's a start I guess.

    @joker323 Edit that in the XML of the mission you're playing. version 0.2 or 0.2.5 will have an override for all missions

    @GaryOldman68 Sure, I wouldn't mind some extra stuff, maybe upload em somewhere. Also, so far there is no way to play as 'yourself'

    @EnforcedZhukov a) Thanks! b) Weird, I've developed and tested this with the NOoSE script still present and loaded...tbh I haven't seen if my mod breaks NOoSE... but for me at least, NOoSE doesn't break my mod

    Also yea, 0.2 is coming in like a day or two (It's great being under-employed unless you really don't like cheap ramen noodles)

    22. August 2015