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Nice model, but polish cars suck soo much
@Killatomate Hey, first off thanks for awesome mod im using it since you released it and cant imagine playing without it, but i want to try editing truck handling packer phantom etc, because on original handling is this fcking throttle cutting and its just anoying can you tell me how you made that cars after releasing throttle not slowing down that much ? please help, cheers
@zQrba Hello, that is what i been looking for quite long, but now i can add normal wheels instead of this crappy in game, thank you ;) Also i have question, can you Export wheels from Albany Alpha and add them as addon like you did ? It is possible ? I mean those wheels : http://prod.cloud.rockstargames.com/ugc/gta5photo/6336/CTfwHlwTu0SfMcNoWuJuqQ/0_0.jpg
If you can export them and add to the game it would be awesome, Thanks again !
o kurwa JEBANY !
And Ocelot f620 Handling is just awesome, i cant say anything more, im owning a Maserati 3200 in real but in game its like real thing :)
@Killatomate WOOOOW just wow Im sorry but im so Excited about this mod, i been waiting for this since october 2013 when it was obvious that orginal handfling sucks, but ive tried to make better handling myself but this is just the best physic you can imagin, i think we have the same imagination of how physic should work in game like this THANK YOU SO MUCH, guys like you should be in game industry because you made something Really awesome from rockstar shit, THANKS THANKS THANKS You are my man !
@KAMELKFB Just please dont care about those kids who cant read your description about instalation the model, keep good work because its one of the best mods for this game so far, once again thank you !
@KAMELKFB Ok, so its the best mod for Gta V to this time :) thanks
Wow very high quality BMW M3 much better than Vlad one, but can spoiler be removed ? because its looks nicer without.
@mc6me Admin deleted my comment because he made mistake, he though that you converted this car from other game but ist not true so i wrote him a comment but now he deleted my and his comment, so watch for him because hi is taking everyone to one bag.