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    Yes I mean my game crashes. I found out that this happens when I click the option to keep all gangs melee. Is there also any way to stop all of the enemies from targeting me during melee? They run right through a mob of my teammates and swarm me.

    11. Januar 2018
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    Alright so I finally figured out how to get the mod started. I had the dll file inside scripts when it should be in the main GTA folder. Now when I start a war members fight, but after a bit they just stand around and eventually I disconnect. Any idea?

    11. Januar 2018
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    Where do I find/check that?

    8. Januar 2018
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    Alright, I've tried everything I cant think of to get this mod working and I just cant figure it out. I started with a fresh copy of GTA V. I downloaded Scripthookv and scripthookdotvdotnet and dropped the files into the main GTA folder. I downloaded Native UI and placed it into a brand new scripts folder. I downloaded the mod and placed the dll file into the scripts folder and put the gang mod folder inside the main GTA folder. After all this, I start the game and nothing happens. Is there something I have to do to initiate the mod? I cannot open the gang mod menu and there are no blips on my map. I can only use the native UI with F4. Im new to modding GTA V but I've modded plenty of other games before and I still dont see the problem. PLEASE HELP!

    8. Januar 2018