3 Mods geliked
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@NicholasCage Change audionamehash in vehicles.meta for the dpsbuffalo to police2
Can you turn one of those forward red lights into the steady burn/slow flash like in the video?
Hey dumb question but could you format this in the same way that neogeo did his addon plates? As in its own dlcpack?
Nice! For SP, is the original door still supposed to be there? Can enter the interior but the outside non-openable door from the original building is still there.
Amazing pack, one small issue, the blue is the steady burn on the unmarked scout, should be the red.
@Alex106 Could you fix the traffic light that's not working in Cypress Flats, Orchardville Avenue between Innocence and El Rancho BLVD? Found at this video, 10s in: https://youtu.be/Amn-krILyxs?t=10
@Sethy1124 Sounds great!
You have a DLS config for this?
Installed the newest version, crashes my game. Trying to see what mod conflicts but it works if I either have all mods except sp_security installed or just sp_security installed.
Having issues with the lights for this mod, they don't work. How do you get the sirensettings limit adjuster to work on newer versions of RPH?