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7 Visible Weapons on Player 2.4


You not want to read everything? ok I will be synthetic,install this
use one of my six folder setting profile, overwrite the two files on the pickups folder.
The two max payne profiles is for this ped:
https://it.gta5-mods.com/player/max-payne-barak101 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
For fix the game crash on exit you need press "remove all weapon in a trainer (simple trainer ecc)" xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
I've created and set the icon for the shield
Of captain america trowing mod shield on
The the profile "Captain trevor shield"(see the
previous version log )
Overwrite old version file on all folders .

The captain Trevor update shield
See the Last screen shot down there
Download this captain america trevor


Download this great captain america script


Overvrite the three my folders on CAPTAIN TREVOR SHIELD section folder
I have change the key.use ctrl+pagedown
To activate the shield .the shield have the knife icon on the first slot at the top wheel weapons .point +e launch shield. Stealth key
Block/reflect bullets , R and T To other and x
To lift object/car
The shield can be on the back up there the sniper rifle1

Little fix the position (center/gun) ,of the last
Arkham knight holster

Add holster for batman arkham knight
The pc high poly version at this link
See the last down screenshot v 2.1

Add "6slot+1leg neo-matrix" for neo ped at
This link
Remember the new feature
"Reset player model on death" of
the new enhanced-native-trainer,
respawn to the hospital whit Neo

No changes on the main script/profile . Only
Tell you the new skin option update of this
"Reset player model on death"
New option in a great skin trainer.you can now death whit vin diesel,max payne and all ped, and respawn to the hospital.
Download new version here
Go to miscellaneous/reset player model...
Select none. (No flag)

Info for all.holsters on watchdogs folder work on the vin diesel addon ped (not the vin replace player). For now i don't release a universal holstres for all ped (is very simple have it on ydr format for any script like simple trainer / attach object)

fixed the new two profile from 1.8,move some pistol from a slot to another.move the slot leg from right leg to the left leg
,then move the slot pistol leg to the other leg ;
6slot+1leg player [fixed]
6slot+1leg batman [fixed]

ADD two new profile 6slot+1leg -for player and similar -for batman and similar
6slot+1leg player
6slot+1leg batman

see the last screenshot v 1.7
no changes,only add a holsers for watchdogs of the same autor of max payne
download link
for install holsters,follow the jpg "locate",on the folder,
on the game use simple trainet or other clotes trainer,for holsers/mask

-update the new fourth profile setting (6slot+1leg) and a little change on all other
-o yeaa,the bullpup shotgun is small,is a mini rifle,I move it on the slot leg,on"setting maxpayne 6slot+1leg" ,now we have 8 mini rifle down the leg(7 if you uninstal mpbike dlc)
note:not the "bullpup rifle",it isn't small,i move only "bullpup shotgun"
-fixed more and more position on this profile (6slot+1leg),height and tilt on the leg
-alternate the two sniper on the two back slot,for have anitime a slot for a sniper, and
this fix is for all the four setting

1.5 update the new fourth "setting maxpayne 6slot+1leg".NOW the Slot +1 WORK and it is a new special slot for stungun,knife,switchblade,machete on the left leg,for use at the same time with to the mini rifle slot leg and it have now 7 total mini rifle :
mini/micro/compact/smg/smg-ass/pdw(+Advanced Rifle now) on the right leg
-move some normal rifle slot to have a similar amount of weapon in each slot
-fixed some position

1.4 add an optional setting for max payne -1 slot whit more mini rifle on the leg,see screenshot v 1.4,
6 slot +1 on the leg, it is "setting maxpayne 6slot+1leg"

1.3 the "Max payne 3" update support.Now we have three config,for player and similar,for batman and similar (cape,jacket and similar),and now one for ONLY
Max payne 3 ped on this link
this config have all position change,for use the two great Max payne Holsters
see screenshot 1.3
Note, if you put the color shirt(not on the white),it activates the clanging of weapons when you run and move.

Note 2 : for max payne setting. All guns+machine pistol+sawn-off shotgun+sawnoff doublebarrel sawnoff+marksman pistol, go on the two holsters, all position is fixed, stungun isn't a gun(lol) and go on the right leg. This setting is only for max payne holsters position.

-Gusenberg Sweeper position fix for all three config

1.2 The update "Revolver Cop"
put the revolver(and other two pistols)in the holster of this three models cop
highway police ped (see screenshot v 1.2)
and all fib ped (Fbi)
And sheriff
(see screenshot V1.2 )
this is some ped cop model withous pistol on the holster/sheath
s_m_y_hwaycop (one ,there is two models ped)
s_m_y_sheriff (sheriff)
s_m_m_fiboffice_01 (the "fib" FBI all ped)
?? s_m_y_ranger_01 (not sure)
find you the other, and more and more have the pistol on the holster

-shotgun fix position (see screenshot V1.2 )
-micro smg fix position (see screenshot V1.2 )
-heavy pistol,ap pistol,revolver on the holster (see screenshot V1.2 )

AND to have a similar amount of weapons in each slot,
I have move this:
move to slot4
combat mg
Marksman Rifle
Mini SMG
Combat PDW

move to slot 7
Advanced Rifle
Bullpup Rifle

move to slot 5
Night Stick
Antique Cavalry Dagger

V 1.1 i have move some weapons on other slot: baseball bat,on back, hachet,on left leg,pumpshtogun to slot7,doublebarrel move from 7 to left leg,microsmg and assaultsmg and gusenberg to slot7, the attack to the body of these weapons is now perfect

The visible 7 weapon mod

Note: I have permission from the creator of the mod

this change is for


Before install make a bakup
For disable pickups you need a original bakup, at any new update, there is a rapid bakup of pickups.meta, use on the openIV the option serach, it rapid link all,and you click on the file, whit some click you have it, about one minute for make a complete bakup of ALL pickups.meta. you need press Tools/search or ctrl+f3 .

There are two different settings, one is made for this Batman

"Setting for batman" (and other)

even if it works on other models with cape/jackets, watchdogs, starlord, deadshot and other

The setting number two has some weapon models to close the body, perfect for franklin and michael trevor, and other models whitout jackets, coats, etc. And is
"setting for player" (and other)

Install pickups,after go to one of my setting folder, and copy the two files to gtav folder/pickups and overwrite

attention, if a little bug of mod is not resolved, before exiting the game, press "remove all weapon" from a trainer, to prevent the crash exiting game

Note 3 . The two max payne setting are only for this ped
And one of the two, is only 6 slot +
1 slot on the leg, six mini/compact rifle
on the right leg whit more and more melee weapon

some weapons replace other, this is an example for 7 visible weapons
You need add :
Batman/player profiles;
compact rifle
Assault rifle

Max Payne 6slot+1 for 7 weapon visible :
Assault rifle

and many other combinations, to have 7 weapon, or 6, 5
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Zuerst hochgeladen: 14. Oktober 2016
Letztes Update: 23. März 2017
Last Downloaded: vor 3 Tagen

All Versions

 2.4 (current)

15.181 Downloads , 7,01 MB
14. Oktober 2016

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