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Improved Pickups 1.0

7b3f93 pickable weapon
E75f59 dlc wep 1
E75f59 dlc wep 2
E75f59 money bill 1
E75f59 money bill 2


Description :

Improved Pickups is the "continuation" of my own old work (Enhanced Wallets and Pickables) and the work of Zserbo (Manual pickups).

The first part of the mod will, just like Manual Pickups from Zserbo, change the way how pickups are handled in GTA V. Instead of automatically picking something off the ground by walking on it you will need to press the use key ("E" by default) to actually pick it up. This way you can chose what you want or what you don't want, the game won't force your hand.

The second part of the mod, following my previous work on Enhanced Wallets and Pickables, will improve how money looks when falling out of a pedestrian. They will no longer drop these unrealistic glowing stacks (don't get me wrong, i don't say that in a negative way as they're a famous trademark of GTA games and i love them for it) but one or two bills only. Take a look at the screenshots for an example. My previous work featured wallets, but it had some shortcomings (notably some pedestrians dropping two or three wallets when dying) so this solution is better immersion wise.

And the third and final part of the mod is the removal of the glow effect on virtually every pickable item, including dropped money, and the reduction of the radius needed to pick them up (you will need to be closer to the item *especially in first person* to be able to pick them up) so make good usage of your eyes.

TL;DR : This mod is a merge (with some improvements here and there) of my old Enhanced Wallets and Pickabes and Manual Pickups by Zserbo.

Features (as of 1.0) :

  • All DLCs are supported
  • Items will no longer be picked up automatically. Press "E" when close to them to pick them up.
  • Items and money will no longer glow.
  • You will need to be closer to an item (only concern first person as of 1.0) to pick it up.
  • Money stacks are gone, pedestrians will now drop one or two standard bill instead of a stack. See screenshots.

Instructions :

Start OpenIV

  1. Tools > Package Installer
  2. Browse and select the archive you just downloaded
  3. (Always !) select "mods" folder for the install location
  4. Let OpenIV do it's magic
  5. Enjoy !

Changelog :

1.0 - Initial Release

Final notes and credits :

Final notes and credits :

This mod isn't a carbon copy, nor a theft, of Zserbo work. I only took "his" method to make items pickables (which stops to adding a single flag to an item) and improved on this by adding support to all DLCs including the most recent ones, added some features from my own previous mods (wallets, or in this case bills) and details like removing the glowing effect. So please, avoid breaking my balls for no good reasons especially if you're clueless.

Oh and if you want to add a video, feel free to, but only if it describes and shows the mod properly for other users. I don't want to see a video of you running around doing some retarded fucking shit for two minutes with some dubstep behind it just to boost your viewcount.
Show Full Description

Zuerst hochgeladen: 23. Mai 2016
Letztes Update: 26. Mai 2016
Last Downloaded: 4 hours ago

All Versions

 1.0 (current)

7.026 Downloads , 57 KB
23. Mai 2016

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