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@William Halverd I love this community and will always try to support my mods if there is a demand. But yes I grew up, life got far more complicated and busy.
Updated and pending admin approval. Please report any issues if you encounter them, thanks all
Hey guys, I've put up a working build on github here: https://github.com/CamxxCore/ExtendedCameraSettings/releases (I hope I'm not breaking any rules by posting a binary there but if you are the cautious type just build it from source. Very simple to build).. Hoping to get a bit of feedback on what needs updating or if anything else is broken and I'll make those changes and release the final version here.
Rest assured, I will find the time to fully update this project over the weekend. As I am not actively developing anything on this game anymore, I have become quite inactive. But I owe a lot to this community and the experience making these mods gave me to expand my skillsets, I'll never stop supporting these projects as long as you guys are using them. 1.2.9 should be available by Sunday!
@meimeiriver Mod is updated, if there is anything else I need to do beyond changing the title and such please let me know!
Sorry its taken some time guys, currently in the process of updating this and testing everything properly. I've pushed the needed changes to github that will make this work on the newest version of the game, but will not update the main file until I test everything. You can access the github to compile it as is: https://github.com/CamxxCore/ExtendedCameraSettings
@bloolol https://github.com/CamxxCore/ShoulderCam I haven't found time to address the requests and bug fixes needed, sorry. But any pull- request are welcome and I'll compile it and update the mod.
@XxXBoiXxX420 Are you using the latest version of the game? I'm going to find the root of this bug, just trying to find some time.
@wantyourntuslicked That is definitely not in line with the "realistic" aspect of this mod. I will try to see what went wrong :P
@wantyourntuslicked that is what the XML config file is there for. You could set it to a ridiculous number like 3.402823E+38 if thats what you want.